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Our Projects


Green Future Dream has engaged in a variety of initiatives including community trainings on sexual reproductive health, gender based violence, entrepreneurship and income generating activities, and academic support.


Current and Past Projects

Some recent initiatives

Even though Green Future Dream is a relatively young organization, we have already been involved in a number of strategic initiatives.

Supporting vulnerable students

We provided life skills training and supported vulnerable students with school materials such as exercise books, rulers, and pens, as well 5 footballs at Namake Primary School, Nanyumbu District in Mtwara region.

Community training on child abuse and gender based violence

Green Dream engaged in awareness on child abuse and gender based violence by conducting awareness training in three communities (Kibena, Ifunda, Kalenga, Usolanga in Iringa District). The training involved village leaders, youth, and influential people in the villages. Approximately 150 participants were trained as key beneficiaries.

Capacity building on livelihoods and entrepreneurship 

  1. Facilitating training on best practices of income generating activities, including horticulture production and livestock production at Mkawaganga village

  2. Best practices by using demonstration plot (Shamba Darasa) for beneficiaries.

Community Trainings on Sexual Reproductive Health

  1. Sensitize communities for checkup of cervical cancer at Iringa hospital, whereby 5 villages (Mkawaganga, Lugalo, Lundamatwe, Irole and Mbigili) were sensitized on HIV/AIDS and other sexual reproductive cases including cervical cancer.

  2. Training of group of women who are HIV positive on how to cope with the situation and how to establish a business so as to reduce dependence on other people and relatives e.g how to run small business, farm project and ideas for other income generating activities.

  3. Capacity building to youth on the importance of sports and games on their daily life and health, and to improve their academic performance

  4. Empowering girls through training on entrepreneurship at Spring Valley Secondary School

Community trainings on Income Generating Activities (IGAs)

Green Dream engaged underprivileged communities in trainings on livelihoods, improving opportunities through training on best practices in income making activities. GFDI has formulated a group at Lyamgungwe and Kaningombe villages for poulry keeping, consisting of thirty one (31) members. The trainings dealt with local poultry farming, which members of the group have the ability to manage and implement because it uses local available resources.


PO Box 2006 Iringa​

Highlands Hall

Iringa, Tanzania

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